In this tutorial we will explain how to hide a column in a table control use in a Dynpro screen.
As example, we will hide a column in the table control ‘TC_DLSAM’ (used in the MRP transaction MD06).
Step 1:
In the flow logic of the screen where the table control is used, we will have to call a module in the screen PBO (Process Before Output) which will contains the appropriate code logic to hide the column.
Code to call the module ‘F_HIDE_COLUMN’:
*---------------------- PROCESS BEFORE OUTPUT. *---------------------- * Some Codes… * Calling the module which will hide the column. MODULE f_hide_columns.
Step 2:
The following code will hide the column ‘MRP Date’ from the table control ‘TC_DLSAM’.
*----------------------------------------------------------------------* * Hiding the column \'MRP Date\' in the table control \'TC_DLSAM\' in * * screen 602 of transaction MD06. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* MODULE f_hide_column OUTPUT. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * Other Declarations may be needed: * CONTROLS: tc_dlsam TYPE TABLEVIEW USING SCREEN 602. * TYPE-POOL CXTAB . * TYPES CXTAB_COLUMN type scxtab_column. * Types: DATA: lst_cols TYPE cxtab_column. * Constants: CONSTANTS: lc_column_mrp_date TYPE char10 VALUE \'MDKE-DSDAT\'. * We will have to loop at the standard table control \'TC_DLSAM\' * deep structure \'COLS\' and we will modify the display attribute * of column \'MRP Date\' to hide it on the report. LOOP AT tc_dlsam-cols INTO lst_cols. * If the column name equals to \'MDKE-DSDAT\'(MRP Date), proceed. IF lst_cols-screen-name EQ lc_column_mrp_date. * Set the \'Invisible\' display attribute of column \'MRP Date\' * to true to hide it. lst_cols-invisible = 1. * Modify the table control deep structure \'COLS\' with the new * display attribute for column \'MRP Date\'. MODIFY tc_dlsam-cols FROM lst_cols INDEX sy-tabix. ENDIF. * As a best practice, clear the structure * as its inside a loop. CLEAR: lst_cols. ENDLOOP. ENDMODULE. \" F_HIDE_COLUMN OUTPUT