We can used the function module \’SAPGUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR\’ to display a progress bar in SAP when executing a particular code logic.
Please find below a sample code of the function module \’SAPGUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR\’.
*----------------------------------------------------------------------* * To display an indicator of the progression of current * * the current processing. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->PI_VALUE Percentage Progress * * -->PI_MSG Message * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM f_show_progress USING pi_value TYPE i pi_msg TYPE string. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* *Function module to display the progress indicator of *processing. CALL FUNCTION \'SAPGUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR\' EXPORTING percentage = pi_value text = pi_msg. ENDFORM. \" F_SHOW_PROGRESS
Please note that the field \’PI_VALUE\’ contains the percentage the progress bar has reached and the field \’PI_MSG\’ contains the message to display next to the progress bar.