When implementing an enhancement, sometimes we need to read a field defined in the main program but which is not available in the enhancement point.
There is a technique which allows us the read the field if it is available in the ABAP stack.
Like for example (please refer to below screenshot), the field ‘TVAK-FPART’ is available in the main program ‘SAPMV45A’, however if the field is not available in the subroutine ‘VBAK_FUELLEN’ (program SAPFV45K) we can still access the field from the ABAP stack using the field symbol technique.

Please find below a sample source code how to read data from the ABAP stack:
*Data Declarations: *Constants. CONSTANTS: lc_stack_loc(20) TYPE c VALUE \'(SAPMV45A)TVAK-FPART\'. *Field Symbols. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_stackvalue> TYPE ANY. *If we have been able to read the required data *from ABAP stack, proceed. ASSIGN (lc_stack_loc) TO <fs_stackvalue>. IF sy-subrc EQ 0 AND <fs_stackvalue> IS NOT INITIAL. * Write the value read from ABAP stack. WRITE <fs_stackvalue>. ENDIF.