Please below an explanation of the system variables SY-TABIX and SY-INDEX:
- SY-TABIX contains the current line in an internal table. That is, it will contain the position of the record we are accessing in an internal table.
SY-TABIX in different scenarios:
- Statement ‘APPEND’ will set SY-TABIX to the position of the last table row
- Statement ‘COLLECT’ will set SY-TABIX to the position of the appended table row
- Statement ‘LOOP’ will set SY-TABIX to the position of the record we are accessing (or current loop record)
- Statement ‘READ’ will set SY-TABIX to the position of the record we are reading
- Statement ‘SEARCH’ will set SY-TABIX to the position of the table row in which the search string was found
Note: SY-TABIX is set to 0 with hashed tables.
- SY-INDEX contains the number of loop passes in DO and WHILE loop.
Code demonstrating different between SY-TABIX and SY-INDEX:
*&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* *& Program Description: &* *& ----------------------- &* *& This demo program will demonstrate the difference between SY-TABIX &* *& and SY-INDEX. &* *& &* *& Author: ABAPCOOKBOOK &* *& Website: &* ************************************************************************ REPORT ZDEMOSYINDEXTABIX. *Internal tables and structures: DATA: lt_bkpf TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bkpf, lt_bseg TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bseg, lst_bkpf TYPE bkpf, lst_bseg TYPE bseg. *---------------------------------------* *DUMMY RETRIEVAL: * *---------------------------------------* *Dummy retrieval for demo purposes. *Data at header level. SELECT * FROM bkpf INTO TABLE lt_bkpf UP TO 10 ROWS. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. * Sort and delete adjacent duplicates not necessary as * we are sorting and deleting by primary keys. However, we * will leave like that to remember that its a best practice * to sort and delete adjacents duplicates when using for * all entries. SORT lt_bkpf BY bukrs belnr gjahr. DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM lt_bkpf COMPARING bukrs belnr gjahr. * Data at item level. SELECT * FROM bseg INTO TABLE lt_bseg FOR ALL ENTRIES IN lt_bkpf WHERE bukrs EQ lt_bkpf-bukrs AND belnr EQ lt_bkpf-belnr AND gjahr EQ lt_bkpf-gjahr. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. * Sorting not required but its just for * information purposes. SORT lt_bseg BY bukrs belnr gjahr. ENDIF. ENDIF. *---------------------------------------* *SY-TABIX (LOOP): * *---------------------------------------* LOOP AT lt_bkpf INTO lst_bkpf. * Displaying the SY-TABIX when use * inside a loop. WRITE: /1 sy-vline, 2(40) \'SY-TABIX (LOOP BKPF):\', 41 sy-vline, 50(10) sy-tabix, 61 sy-vline. WRITE:/1(61) sy-uline. ENDLOOP. WRITE:/1 sy-uline. *---------------------------------------* *SY-TABIX (READ STATEMENT): * *---------------------------------------* LOOP AT lt_bkpf INTO lst_bkpf. READ TABLE lt_bseg TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WITH KEY bukrs = lst_bkpf-bukrs belnr = lst_bkpf-belnr gjahr = lst_bkpf-gjahr BINARY SEARCH. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. * SY-TABIX will returns the position of record * found in the \'LT_BSEG\'. WRITE: /1 sy-vline, 2(40) \'SY-TABIX (READ BSEG):\', 41 sy-vline, 50(10) sy-tabix, 61 sy-vline. WRITE:/1(61) sy-uline. ENDIF. * Clearing necessary items. CLEAR: lst_bkpf. ENDLOOP. WRITE:/1 sy-uline. *---------------------------------------* *SY-INDEX (DO-ENDDO or WHILE-ENDWHILE): * *---------------------------------------* DO 5 TIMES. * Displaying the SY-INDEX when use * inside a DO loop, same results is * expected inside a WHILE loop. WRITE: /1 sy-vline, 2(40) \'SY-INDEX (DO LOOP):\', 41 sy-vline, 50(10) sy-index, 61 sy-vline. WRITE:/1(61) sy-uline. ENDDO.
The results: